The general Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter TERMS AND CONDITIONS) presented below constitute the agreement between RPM NEXO SA de CV and any browser (hereinafter USER) applicable to the use of the contents, products and services offered through the portal: https://www.club16.mx (hereinafter THE CLUB 16 PORTAL), which is operated by RPM NEXO SA de CV.

This document, together with our Privacy Notice and the policies of each of the contents, products and services offered, which will be indicated later, comprise the terms under which RPM NEXO SA de CV provides some of its services through the Portal Club 16. Likewise, the use of your personal data provided will be governed by the provisions of our Privacy Notice.

You must understand that, by requesting services, products and/or using the Club 16 Portal you agree to be bound by these TERMS AND CONDITIONS; Please read this document carefully before taking any action. If you agree, you must check the box confirming that you accept these Terms and Conditions of Use. Please consider that if you refuse to accept them you will not be able to access our Club 16 Portal services. Any purchase of goods or services will imply prior reading of the terms and conditions. corresponding conditions and acceptance thereof.


  1. Presentation and our function

1.1. Data from RPM NEXO SA de CV: RPM NEXO SA de CV, marketer of electronic commerce products and services. RPM NEXO SA de CV provides the following contact information so that the user can access any clarification:

Business name











Our email and telephone number for customer service will depend on the content, service or product that the User uses. Through said email or telephone you can request clarifications, make any complaints that you consider appropriate, with the exception of issues related to personal data which will be governed in accordance with the Privacy Notice.

Marketplace Club 16



1.2 Regarding the details of the content of the policies of each of the sections, as well as the guarantees of the products or services offered, you can consult them in the following links: guarantees

1.3. Contents: Through the Club 16 Portal, RPM NEXO SA de CV may make information, its own or that of third parties, available to Users in accordance with good customs, including commercial ones. The User must be subject to these terms and conditions and the respective policies, assuming the obligations of verifying and knowing their content.

All information made available on the Club 16 Portal such as images, advertising, names, brands, slogans and other intellectual property elements are used legitimately by RPM NEXO SA de CV either because they are their property or because they have authorization to make them available. or because it is empowered by current applicable legislation.

  1. Access and conditions of the ITESM Portal

2.1. Access to the Club 16 Portal: There are areas of the Club 16 Portal that are open to the public, so you can visit and/or register your data to create an account. Any action to access or attempt to access the parts of the Club 16 Portal that are not public or intended to be used by Users may be subject to appropriate legal actions, including without limitation those corresponding to illicit access to computer systems.

2.2. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions: Through continued access or use of any part of the Club 16 Portal, the User accepts these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, and, where applicable, any modifications that may be made, without prejudice to the User's express consent. about it by checking the corresponding box. The User expressly declares that he or she has the legal capacity to use the Club 16 Portal. Likewise, he or she declares that he or she has provided real, truthful and reliable information; Therefore, you expressly and unequivocally declare that you have read, understand and accept all of the assumptions provided for and regulated in this document of TERMS AND CONDITIONS, for which you undertake to fully comply with the duties, obligations, actions and omissions expressed here. If you do not accept these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, you must leave immediately, and you will not be able to carry out any action offered on the Club 16 Portal. If Users from other countries use the Club 16 Portal, they are completely subject to the provisions of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS. CONDITIONS.

The User name or email and password (hereinafter the Authentication Factors), constitute for all legal purposes an electronic signature, so all actions carried out with them will be attributed to you directly and personally, unless proven otherwise. .

23. Review of the terms and conditions: RPM NEXO SA de CV may review the TERMS AND CONDITIONS at any time, so the User must verify the content periodically or when indicated, since it will be subject to those in force at the time. in which you use our services on the Club 16 Portal.

2.4. User Responsibility: It will be their sole responsibility to carry out everything necessary to have access to the Club 16 Portal. The User assumes the consequences of allowing third parties to access the ITESM Portal through their devices, their profile and/or your Internet connection, since all actions carried out through such means will be attributed to the User personally. Likewise, you must ensure that these third parties are aware of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS and comply with them. The User undertakes to notify RPM NEXO SA de CV, immediately and by suitable and reliable means, of any unauthorized use or entry of their profile, which may be done by any means described in the contact information or by email. of contact according to the section to which you have had access. RPM NEXO SA de CV reserves the right to request from the User some proof and/or additional data in order to corroborate personal data, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend that User whose data could not be confirmed.

2.5. The User undertakes to use the information, content or services offered through the Club 16 Portal in a lawful manner, without contravening the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, morality or public order, and will refrain from carrying out any act that may may affect the rights of third parties, or in any way harm the functioning of the Club 16 Portal.

2.6. Electronic commerce: In compliance with the Mexican provisions on data messages according to the Federal Civil Code, it is reported that Mexican legislation recognizes the validity of messages by electronic means and therefore they acquire an evidentiary character and entity. Consequently, the User understands that, through the exchange of messages by electronic means, the User and RPM NEXO SA de CV may give rise to the birth, modification and extinction of obligations, the content, consequences, responsibilities and effects being their exclusive responsibility. of the information generated.

  1. User status

3.1. Capacity and age of majority, you guarantee that:

3.1.1. You have the necessary legal capacity to enter into binding contracts; 3.1.2. It is a natural person over eighteen (18) years of age; and

3.1.3. It states that it has full legal capacity to be subject to rights and obligations, qualities endorsed at the time of generating its registration.

  1. Description of the service, price and payment: The service, price and payment of each section is described below, so the User is subject to these terms and conditions, as well as the respective policies of each section, depending on the activity. that you are going to carry out, assuming the obligations of verifying and knowing its content.

4.A Client section of Club 16 RPM NEXO SA de CV:

4.A.1 Description of the service (how to place an order and how it is processed) Club 16 clients Club 16, through the Club 16 Portal, will make the products that are available to Users for their general knowledge. This communication of products serves as a reference to Users for their possible acquisition and finalize the sale carried out by electronic means.

For the purchase process, Users must be fully identified in their User account and follow the following procedure:

4.A.1.1. Enter Club 16 Club 16 customers and select the product you wish to purchase by clicking on the “Add to cart” button.

4.A.1.2 When you finish selecting the products and if you want to see your order, you must click on the “shopping cart” button and then click on the “See purchase summary” button.

4.A.1.3. To proceed with the order you must register with your email and password. If you are sure about your order, you must click on the “Go to pay” button and select the method of shipping or receiving on campus. Please note that it is important that you review the information you enter and correct any errors before clicking the "Go to Pay" button, since once you click on this entry errors can no longer be corrected.

4.A.1.4. Modification or cancellation of your order: Once you have placed your order and your payment has been authorized you will not be able to cancel it (for more details on order cancellation see section 4.A.1.6). If you wish to modify your order, you may contact our User Service, under the terms of section 5.

4.A.1.5. Payment authorization: When the payment made is not authorized, your order will not be processed.

4.A.1.6. Order Management: Upon receipt of your order by Club 16 Club 16 customers, your request will be processed and you will be sent a notification by email that your order has been received and that your request is in process. Please note that any confirmation page you may see on Club 16 Club 16 customers and any confirmation you may receive via email only implies that your order has been received and is being processed by us, but does not necessarily mean that your order is on the shipping route, unless you receive a tracking number, in accordance with the Club 16 Club 16 Online Customer Policy.

4.A.2. Price and payment. Price. Once the previous steps have been exhausted, the price to pay for the selected product(s) is made available to the User, which is reflected individually and collectively for all the products to be purchased. The value will correspond to the total value of the product(s) including shipping costs, or not apply the charge if you opt for delivery in the organization, and taxes.

4.A.2.1. Payment methods: Payment for orders through Club 16 Club 16 customers must be made using an accepted credit or debit card, as provided in the Club 16 Club 16 Online Customer Policy.

4.A.2.2. Card payments: We have the service of payment processing providers through the Internet whose technology does not require RPM NEXO SA de CV to store the data of your credit or debit card for the payment of our services and products in clients of Club 16 Club 16. The handling of your personal property data is subject to the Payment Provider's Privacy Notice.

4.A.2.3. Offers and promotional code: May be applied to your order if you use a valid and current coupon or promotional code recognized by Club 16 Club 16 customers; If the valid amount of the coupon does not cover the total amount of the order, the remaining balance will be paid by credit or debit card. You may use them as long as you comply with the applicable conditions within the indicated validity period. Refer to the Club 16 Club 16 Online Customer Policy for more details.

4.A.2.4. Rejected orders: Due to banking practices, once you have placed an order using a credit or debit card and the payment has been authorized, the purchaser of the operation will retain the total amount of your order from the payment method that was given to you. issued by its issuer, whether it is a credit card or a debit card. If your order is rejected or canceled for any other reason, you must manage the return of the resources to the issuer of the card with which you made the payment, who will determine the origin of such return, therefore releasing us from all responsibility. .

4.A.2.5. Billing: refer to the Club 16 Club 16 Online Customer Policy.

  1. User Support

5.1. General: In accordance with the provisions of section 10, our User Service team referred to in section 1, will try to the extent competent to resolve any doubt or clarification you may have, as well as may issue pertinent suggestions, subject to at all times to what is established in numerals 8 and 9.

  1. License

6.1. Permitted conditions of use: You may use Portal Club 16 for your personal, non-commercial use, as long as you respect the following rules:

6.1.1. You may not carry out fraudulent use of the Club 16 Portal, such as piracy or scrapping.

6.1.2. Unless otherwise established, the copyright and other intellectual and industrial property rights in the Club 16 Portal and the content published therein (including, but not limited to, photographs and graphic images, as well as distinctive signs, headings and others) are the property of RPM NEXO SA de CV . These works are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws and conventions, and all rights are reserved. For the purposes of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, any total or partial use, including extracts from Club16, other than that established in section 7.1, is prohibited.

6.1.3. Modifying digital or paper copies of any content is prohibited, in accordance with section 7.1, and you may not

use any drawing, image or other graphic, video or audio sequence, independently of any accompanying text.

6.1.4. It must be ensured that the character of RPM NEXO SA de CV as the owner of all content on the Club 16 Portal that is not expressly indicated otherwise is always recognized as such.

6.1.5. You may not use any of the contents of the Club 16 Portal, nor the Club 16 Portal itself, without previously obtaining an express written license from RPM NEXO SA de CV to do so.

6.2. Limitations of use: No part of the Club 16 Portal may be reproduced or stored in any other portal or mobile application, nor included in any electronic system or service, public or private, without prior written permission from RPM NEXO SA de CV .

6.3. Rights reserved: All rights not expressly granted in these TERMS AND CONDITIONS are reserved.

6.4. Software license: To use the Club 16 Portal, RPM NEXO SA de CV grants the User a free, temporary, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to request the services offered through the Club 16 Portal. To this end, the User undertakes to refrain from altering, modifying, adapting, sublicensing, translating, alienating, reverse engineering, deciphering, decompiling or otherwise disassembling in whole or in part any portion of the Club 16 Portal and/or the files. or computer programs that compose them, or encourage any third party to do so on their own behalf or on their behalf or not, with or without profit motive. The objects of this license may be modified at any time, as well as it may be unilaterally revoked at any time by RPM NEXO SA de CV , even without prior notice.

  1. Service access

7.1. Website availability: Although RPM NEXO SA de CV tries to guarantee that Portal Club 16 is available normally twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week, RPM NEXO SA de CV will not be responsible for if they are not available at any time or for any period of time

7.2. Suspension of access: Access to the Club 16 Portal may be suspended temporarily or permanently and without notice.

7.3. Information security: In order to comply with the Federal Consumer Law and the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, RPM NEXO SA de CV adopts the necessary physical, administrative and technical security measures. to protect your information; However, we cannot fully guarantee the security of your data.

transmitted to the Club 16 Portal according to the conditions of the device and/or connection you use to use the Club16 Portal. Therefore, any transmission will be at your own risk.

  1. User Content and Conduct

8.1. General:

8.1.1. With the exception of information related to your personal data, which is subject to the Privacy Notice, all content that you enter or post on the Club 16 Portal will be considered public, non-confidential and therefore not private (hereinafter User Content). By including said content you acknowledge and guarantee that you own or have all rights to it. You acknowledge that RPM NEXO SA de CV will have no responsibility with respect to said content and that you may reproduce, disclose, distribute, incorporate, communicate to the public and use it in any other way, including data, images, sounds, text and the rest of elements included therein, for any commercial or non-commercial purposes that it determines at its discretion.

8.1.2. The User represents and warrants that any User Content that he or she posts or uploads does not violate any of the restrictions contained in paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3 below.

8.2. User Content Policies: It is strictly prohibited to publish, post or download on or from the Club 16 Portal any User Content, including opinions, that:

8.2.1. Violate any applicable local, national or international law;

8.2.2. Are illegal or fraudulent;

8.2.3. Suppose unauthorized advertising; either

8.2.4. Contains viruses or any other harmful programs ("malware").

8.3. User opinion policies: By way of example, but not limited to, the comments and opinions published through the Club 16 Portal must not:

8.3.1. Contain any defamatory, obscene or offensive content;

8.3.2. Promote violence or discrimination;

8.3.3. Infringing the intellectual or industrial property rights of any other person;

8.3.4. Violate any legal obligation towards a third party, including but not limited to the obligation of confidentiality;

8.3.5. Promote illegal activities or invade the privacy of third parties;

8.3.6. Give the impression that they have been created by RPM NEXO SA de CV and/or related companies; neither

8.3.7. Be used by impersonating another person, physical or legal, or falsifying your connection with any other person.

8.4. Removal of reviews: The disallowed actions listed in sections 8.2 and 8.3 above are not exhaustive. RPM NEXO SA de CV reserves the right, but is not obliged, unless required by law, to delete or modify at any time the opinions and other content published and posted by Users on the Portal Club 16 que RPM NEXO SA de CV considers that it fails to comply with the prohibitions provided for in points 8.2 or 8.3 above, or that it is objectionable or implies any damage or liability to RPM NEXO SA de CV , or to third parties.

8.5. Use of Opinions: The opinions and other content of the Users are exclusively for informational purposes and do not constitute any advice on our part nor have they been verified by RPM NEXO SA de CV . User opinions and Content reflect exclusively the opinions of Users who have placed orders through the CLUB16 Portal, and any statements or advice provided by such persons are theirs alone. Accordingly, and to the extent permitted by law, we assume no liability to any third party for User Opinions and Content, including, without limitation, any errors, defamation, obscenity, omissions or falsehoods that may be contained in such materials. .

8.6. Cooperation with authorities: RPM NEXO SA de CV will fully cooperate with any competent authority that, through a duly substantiated and motivated order, requests or requires it to reveal the identity or location of whoever has published Opinions or User Content in breach of sections 8.2 or 8.3 or any other applicable restriction, legislation or regulatory provision, excluding us to the extent permitted by law from any liability for such disclosure.

  1. Links or links to, and from, other web pages

9.1. Third-party portals: Links to other third-party websites on the Club16 Portal are provided exclusively for your convenience. If you decide to access any of these third party websites linked to the Club16 Portal, you do so entirely at your own discretion.

9.2. Redirection is not authorized: The User may not be redirected to the main page of the Club16 Portal, unless they have authorization to do so.

  1. Disclaimer

Website Information: Although RPM NEXO SA de CV tries to guarantee that the information provided through the Club16 Portal is always correct, it does not guarantee that it is accurate or complete at all times. RPM NEXO SA de CV may make changes to the contents of the Club16 Portal, or to the services and prices described therein, at any time and without notice.

  1. Responsibility

Additional costs: If the use of the Club16 Portal results in the need for maintenance, repair or correction of equipment, software or data, the User will assume all associated expenses, including, without limitation, expenses related to the maintenance, repair or adaptation of any equipment, software or data you may own, lease, license or otherwise use.

  1. Portal Suspension

12.1 Causes for suspension: RPM NEXO SA de CV may suspend, at its discretion, both your right to use the Club16 Portal and the use of its services, even immediately, notifying you in writing via email, if:

12.1.1. The User will use the Club16 Portal in breach of the provisions of stipulation 6.1 (License);

12.1.2. The User will post opinions or any other User Content in breach of the provisions of stipulations 8.2 or 8.3 (User Content and Opinions);

12.1.3. The User fails to comply with the provisions of stipulation 9.2 (Links to and from other web pages); either

12.1.4. The User fails to comply with any other stipulation of these Terms and Conditions.

12.2. Obligations in case of suspension: Upon suspension, the User must immediately destroy all downloaded or printed extracts from this Club16 Portal.

  1. Written communications

By using the Club16 Portal the User accepts that communications will be mainly electronic. RPM NEXO SA de CV will contact you by email, notifications made by the Club16 Portal or we will provide the information by publishing it on our Club16 Portal. For contractual purposes, the User accepts these means of communication and recognizes the validity of the contracts, notifications, information and other communications that we make through these means.

  1. Matters of Force Majeure and/or Fortuitous Event

RPM NEXO SA de CV is not responsible for any failure to perform or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under

of this TERMS AND CONDITIONS document that is due to events that are beyond our control, hereinafter Fortuitous Event and/or Force Majeure.

  1. Miscellaneous

15.1. Privacy Policy: RPM NEXO SA de CV is committed to protecting your privacy, your security and that of your personal data. All personal data that RPM NEXO SA de CV collects from the User, through the Club16 Portal, will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice, in strict accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulation. It is the User's responsibility to consult the Privacy Notice.

15.2. Nullity: If any provision, or part thereof, of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS is declared illegal, void or otherwise unenforceable by any court or competent authority, said provision or part thereof will be eliminated from these TERMS AND CONDITIONS , and the remainder will be applied as if the illegal, void or unenforceable stipulation, or part thereof, had never been agreed upon.

15.3. Complete agreement: These TERMS AND CONDITIONS constitute, together with the other instruments referred to herein, which are considered included as if they were inserted to the letter and which form an integral part of these Terms and Conditions, the same agreement that constitutes the total agreement. RPM NEXO SA de CV reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior notice.

15.4. Waiver: Any omission, whether total or partial, or delay by the User or by RPM NEXO SA de CV in the application or execution, in whole or in part, of any provision or stipulation of these Terms and Conditions and/or the rights arising from the same or from any applicable Law will not be construed as a waiver of your or our rights or actions.

15.5. Assignment: The User may not assign any of his rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions without prior written consent from RPM NEXO SA de CV . Notwithstanding the above, RPM NEXO SA de CV may transmit any of the rights or obligations under the Terms and Conditions without the need for prior written consent from the User.

15.6. Headings: The statements in these Terms and Conditions have been included for convenience and shall not affect their interpretation.

15.7. RPM NEXO SA de CV will pursue non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, as well as any improper use of the CLUB16 Portal and/or the content of both or any of both.

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions will be governed in all their points and interpreted in accordance with the federal laws of the United Mexican States, as well as with respect to data messages, electronic contracting and electronic commerce. Both RPM NEXO SA de CV and the User expressly renounce any other jurisdiction or applicable legislation that may apply to them now or in the future due to their domicile or for any other reason, and submit to the jurisdiction of the competent Courts in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León.

  1. Modifications

RPM NEXO SA de CV may modify these Terms and Conditions, when it deems appropriate, at any time and will publish the updated Terms and Conditions document through the email address provided by the user.

dropdown content

Question 1

sample text

Question 2

Universities, schools, companies, sports clubs and any organization that has a community with which they want to connect more closely, generate greater pride and a sense of belonging as well as promote their own spirit.

Question 3

We have extremely competitive times in different rapid response products and also in developments from scratch. Contact us to detail specific quantities and products for a no-obligation quote.

Question 4

It is another of our specialties, we create the store to suit you.

Do you build physical stores?

We are experts in setting up permanent physical stores and temporary stores. Contact us to evaluate collaborations tailored to your organization.

Do you send products abroad?

Of course, we ship products to any part of the planet. Contact us to learn the terms of service that apply to your product and organization.